API Reference

Order entity

idintegerUnique identifier for the order.
shopifyIdintegerUnique identifier of the order in Shopify.
scheduledAtstring (ISO 8601 date-time)Date and time when the order was scheduled.
statusstringStatus of the order (e.g., "SUCCESS").
currencyCodestringCurrency code in ISO 4217 format (e.g., "USD").
shippingPriceCurrencyCodestringCurrency code for the shipping price (e.g., "USD").
totalLineItemsPricestringTotal price of the line items (e.g., "100.00").
totalDiscountAmountstringTotal discount amount applied to the order (e.g., "0.00").
subtotalPricestringSubtotal price for the order (e.g., "100.00").
totalShippingPricestringTotal shipping price (e.g., "200.00").
totalTaxesstringTotal taxes applied to the order (e.g., "0.00").
totalPricestringTotal price for the order (e.g., "300.00").
notenull | stringAny additional note related to the order.
customAttributesarrayCustom attributes associated with the order (currently empty).


discountCodesarrayArray of discount codes applied to the order (currently empty).


lineItems[].namestringName of the line item (e.g., "Test Product - Month B").
lineItems[].variantImagestring | nullURL of the variant image, if available.
lineItems[].skustringSKU of the product.
lineItems[].priceintegerPrice of the line item (in cents).
lineItems[].quantityintegerQuantity of the item in the order.
lineItems[].propertiesarrayAdditional properties of the line item (currently empty).
lineItems[].requiresShippingbooleanIndicates if the item requires shipping.
lineItems[].taxablebooleanIndicates if the item is taxable.


skippedLineItemsarrayArray of skipped line items in the order (currently empty).


shippingAddress.namestringFull name of the customer (e.g., "Matt brownlee").
shippingAddress.phonestring | nullCustomer’s phone number, if provided.
shippingAddress.companystring | nullName of the company, if applicable.
shippingAddress.address1stringPrimary address line.
shippingAddress.address2string | nullSecondary address line, if applicable.
shippingAddress.zipstringZIP or postal code.
shippingAddress.citystringCity name.
shippingAddress.provinceCodestringProvince or state code (e.g., "ID").
shippingAddress.countryCodestringISO 3166 country code (e.g., "US").


chargeOffsetDaysnull | integerNumber of days to offset the charge, if applicable.


shippingLinesnull | objectShipping lines information (currently null).


customer.shopifyIdintegerShopify customer ID.
customer.firstNamestringCustomer’s first name.
customer.lastNamestringCustomer’s last name.
customer.emailstringCustomer’s email address.
customer.phonestring | nullCustomer’s phone number, if available.


subscription.idintegerUnique identifier for the subscription.
subscription.deliveryPrice integerCost of delivery for the subscription (in cents).
subscription.pausedAt null | string (ISO 8601 date-time)Date and time when the subscription was paused, if applicable.
subscription.cancelledAt null | string (ISO 8601 date-time)Date and time when the subscription was canceled, if applicable.
subscription.cancellationReason null | stringReason for cancellation, if provided.
subscription.cancellationComment null | stringAdditional comments related to the cancellation.
subscription.hasCustomPlan booleanIndicates whether the subscription has a custom plan.
subscription.billingPolicy.interval string Billing interval (e.g., "MONTH").
subscription.billingPolicy.intervalCount integerNumber of intervals between billing cycles.
subscription.billingPolicy.minCycles int | nullMinimum number of billing cycles.
subscription.billingPolicy.maxCycles int | nullMaximum number of billing cycles.
subscription.billingPolicy.anchors null | objectThe anchors object can take the following format:
For monthday type:
{"type": "MONTHDAY", "day": 2, "month": null}
For yearday type:
{"type": "YEARDAY", "day": 1, "month": 1}
subscription.deliveryPolicy.interval stringDelivery interval (e.g., "MONTH").
subscription.deliveryPolicy.intervalCount integerNumber of intervals between deliveries.
subscription.isPrepaid booleanIndicates if the subscription is prepaid.
subscription.nextOrderDate string (ISO 8601 date-time)Date of the next order in the subscription.
subscription.nextOrderDateEpoch integerEpoch timestamp of the next order in the subscription.
subscription.discounts arrayArray of discounts applied to the subscription (currently empty).
subscription.hasBundle booleanIndicates if the subscription contains a bundled item.
subscription.willAutoResume booleanIndicates if the subscription will automatically resume.
subscription.note null | stringAdditional notes related to the subscription.
subscription.customAttributes arrayCustom attributes related to the subscription (currently empty).
subscription.lineItems arrayArray of line items associated with the subscription.


metaData.myshopifyDomainstringThe domain name of the Shopify store.