Key | Title | Description |
id | integer | Unique identifier for the subscription. |
shopifyId | integer | Unique identifier of the subscription in Shopify. |
createdAt | string (ISO 8601 date-time) | Timestamp of when the subscription was created. |
status | string | Represents the status of the subscription (e.g., "ACTIVE"). |
originOrderShopifyId | Integer | null | Original order ID from Shopify. |
completedOrdersCount | integer | null | Number of completed orders for this subscription. |
currencyCode | string | Currency code in ISO 4217 format (e.g., "USD"). |
totalLineItemPrice | integer | Total price of the line item (in cents). |
totalLineItemDiscountedPrice | integer | Total discounted price of the line item (in cents). |
deliveryPrice | integer | Cost of delivery (in cents). |
pausedAt | null | string (ISO 8601 date-time) | Date and time when the subscription was paused, if applicable. |
cancelledAt | null | string (ISO 8601 date-time) | Date and time when the subscription was canceled, if applicable. |
cancellationReason | null | string | Reason for cancellation, if provided. |
cancellationComment | null | string | Additional comments related to the cancellation. |
hasCustomPlan | boolean | Indicates whether the subscription has a custom plan. |
Key | Type | Description |
billingPolicy.interval | string | The billing interval (e.g., "MONTH"). |
billingPolicy.intervalCount | integer | Number of intervals between billing cycles. |
billingPolicy.minCycles | int | null | Minimum number of billing cycles. |
billingPolicy.maxCycles | int | null | Maximum number of billing cycles. |
billingPolicy.anchors | null | object | The anchors object can take the following format: For month type: {"type": "MONTHDAY", "day": 2, "month": null} For year type: {"type": "YEARDAY", "day": 1, "month": 1} For week type { "type": "WEEKDAY", "day": 1, "month": null} |
Key | Type | Description |
deliveryPolicy.interval | string | Delivery interval (e.g., "MONTH"). |
deliveryPolicy.intervalCount | integer | Number of intervals between deliveries. |
Key | Type | Description |
discounts[] | string | ID of the discount (e.g., "gid://shopify/SubscriptionManualDiscount/c9af6cab-0b73-4790-938b-e6405d67723b"). |
discounts[].node.type | string | Type of discount (e.g., "MANUAL"). |
discounts[].node.title | string | Title of the discount (e.g., "Subscription discount"). |
discounts[].node.value.amount.amount | string | Discount amount (e.g., "10.0"). |
discounts[].node.value.amount.currencyCode | string | Currency code for the discount (e.g., "USD"). |
discounts[].node.value.appliesOnEachItem | boolean | Indicates if the discount applies to each item. |
discounts[].node.targetType | string | Target type for the discount (e.g., "LINE_ITEM"). |
discounts[].node.usageCount | integer | Number of times the discount has been used. |
discounts[].node.entitledLines.all | boolean | Indicates if the discount applies to all entitled lines. |
discounts[].node.entitledLines.lines.nodes | array | Array of entitled lines (currently empty). |
discounts[].node.rejectionReason | null | string | Reason for rejecting the discount, if applicable. |
discounts[].node.recurringCycleLimit | integer | Limit of recurring cycles for which the discount is applied. |
additional Information
Key | Type | Description |
isPrepaid | boolean | Indicates whether the subscription is prepaid. |
nextOrderDate | string (ISO 8601 date-time) | Date of the next order. |
nextOrderDateEpoch | integer | Epoch timestamp of the next order. |
discounts | array | List of discounts applied (see discounts section for details). |
hasBundle | boolean | Indicates if the subscription has a bundled item. |
willAutoResume | boolean | Indicates if the subscription will automatically resume. |
note | null | string | Additional notes related to the subscription. |
customAttributes | array | Custom attributes related to the subscription (currently empty). |
Key | Type | Description |
lineItems[].id | integer | Unique identifier for the line item. |
lineItems[].shopifyId | string | Unique identifier for the line item in Shopify. |
lineItems[].productShopifyId | integer | Shopify product ID. |
lineItems[].variantShopifyId | integer | Shopify variant ID. |
lineItems[].name | string | Name of the line item. |
lineItems[].productTitle | string | Title of the product. |
lineItems[].variantTitle | string | Title of the product variant. |
lineItems[].variantImage | string | null | URL of the variant image. |
lineItems[].quantity | integer | Quantity of the product. |
lineItems[].price | string | Price of the item as a string (e.g., "100.00"). |
lineItems[].basePrice | string | Base price of the item as a string. |
lineItems[].discountedPrice | string | Discounted price of the item as a string. |
lineItems[].discountAllocations | array | Discount allocations applied to the line item (currently empty). |
lineItems[].pricingPolicy.basePrice.amount | string | Base price amount for the line item (e.g., "100.0"). |
lineItems[].pricingPolicy.basePrice.currencyCode | string | Currency code for the base price (e.g., "USD"). |
lineItems[].pricingPolicy.cycleDiscounts[].afterCycle | integer | The number of cycles after which the discount applies. |
lineItems[].pricingPolicy.cycleDiscounts[].computedPrice.amount | string | Computed price after the discount (e.g., "100.0"). |
lineItems[].pricingPolicy.cycleDiscounts[].computedPrice.currencyCode | string | Currency code for computed price. |
lineItems[].pricingPolicy.cycleDiscounts[].adjustmentType | string | Type of price adjustment (e.g., "FIXED_AMOUNT"). |
lineItems[].pricingPolicy.cycleDiscounts[].adjustmentValue.amount | string | Adjustment value amount (e.g., "0.0"). |
lineItems[].pricingPolicy.cycleDiscounts[].adjustmentValue.currencyCode | string | Currency code for adjustment value. |
lineItems[].sellingPlanShopifyId | integer | Shopify selling plan ID. |
lineItems[].sellingPlanName | string | Name of the selling plan. |
lineItems[].sku | string | SKU of the product. |
lineItems[].requiresShipping | boolean | Indicates if the product requires shipping. |
lineItems[].taxable | boolean | Indicates if the product is taxable. |
lineItems[].bundleTransactionId | int | null | Bundle transaction ID. |
lineItems[].bundleName | int | null | Name of the bundle. |
lineItems[].isOneTimeAdded | boolean | Indicates if the item was added as a one-time purchase. |
lineItems[].isOneTimeRemoved | boolean | Indicates if the item was removed as a one-time purchase. |
lineItems[].attributes | array | Additional attributes related to the line item (currently empty). |
Key | Type | Description |
shippingAddress.firstName | string | Customer's first name. |
shippingAddress.lastName | string | Customer's last name. | | string | null | Company name, if provided. |
shippingAddress.address1 | string | Primary address line. |
shippingAddress.address2 | string | null | Secondary address line, if applicable. | | string | City name. | | string | ZIP or postal code. |
shippingAddress.countryCode | string | ISO 3166 country code (e.g., "US"). |
shippingAddress.provinceCode | string | Province or state code (e.g., "ID"). |
Key | Type | Description |
shippingLines.code | string | null | Shipping code. |
shippingLines.title | string | null | Shipping title. |
Key | Type | Description |
customer.shopifyId | integer | Shopify customer ID. |
customer.firstName | string | Customer's first name. |
customer.lastName | string | Customer's last name. | | string | Customer's email address. | | string | null | Customer's phone number, if provided. |
Key | Type | Description |
metaData.myshopifyDomain | string | The domain name of the Shopify store. |