API Reference

Payment Method entity

idintegerUnique identifier of the payment method.
shopifyIdintegerUnique shopify identifier of the payment method.
customerIdintegerUnique identifier for the subscription.
customerShopifyIdintegerUnique identifier for the subscription in shopify.
typestringType of payment method. (e.g.,"CustomerCreditCard").
namestringFull name of the customer associated with the payment method.
brandstringThe brand of the credit card (e.g., Visa, Mastercard)
paypalAccountEmailString | nullPayPal email account associated with the customer (can be null).
lastDigitsintegerLast four digit of a credit card.
riskLevelstringRisk assessment level for the payment method (e.g., "safe").
expiryMonthintegerExpiry month of the credit card.
expiryYearintegerExpiry year of the credit card


customer.shopifyIdintegerShopify customer ID.
customer.firstNamestringCustomer’s first name.
customer.lastNamestringCustomer’s last name.
customer.emailstringCustomer’s email address.
customer.phonestring | nullCustomer’s phone number, if available.


metaData.myshopifyDomainstringThe domain name of the Shopify store.