API Reference


Webhooks allows realtime information by sending data to an specific address whenever a particular events occur.

Here are the list of actions which trigger a specific topic.

Subscription Topics

TopicsTrigger explanation
subscription/createdThis event will be triggered when a subscription is created.
subscription/pausedThis event will be triggered when a subscription is paused.
subscription/updatedWhen a subscription is updated, this trigger covers everything that isn't specifically mentioned under a topic. For instance, it includes updates to contract notes, modifications to custom attributes, applied discounts on subscription, removed discount on subscription, shipping address updates etc.
subscription/cancelledThis event will be triggered when a subscription is cancelled.
subscription/resumedThis event will be triggered when a subscription is resumed.
subscription/reactivatedThis event will be triggered when a subscription is reactivated.
subscription/delayedThis event will be triggered when a subscription is delayed.
subscription/rescheduledThis event will be triggered when a subscription is rescheduled.
subscription/expiredThis event will be triggered when a subscription is expired.
subscription/inventoryActionThis event will be triggered when an inventory action has occurred on a subscription contract. For instance, When an inventory action such as partially billed, delayed or skipped has occurred on a subscription contract due to low inventory.

Order Topics

TopicsTrigger explanation
order/upcomingTriggered before processing an order.
order/processedTriggered when order is processed.
order/partiallyProcessedTriggered when order is partially processed due to low inventory levels.
order/outOfStockTriggered when order is out of stock.
order/skippedTriggered when customer skipped an order.
order/unskippedTriggered when customer un-skipped an order.
order/paymentFailedTriggered when customer payment on an order is failed

Customer's Payment Method

TopicsTrigger Explanation
paymentMethod/updateRequestedTriggered when a customer request's payment method update request from loop.
paymentMethod/updatedTriggered when customer's payment method is updated.
paymentMethod/expiringSoonTriggered when customer payment method is about to expire (3 days, 15 days, 30 days before payment method expiring)

Selling Plan Group

TopicsTrigger explanation
sellingPlanGroup/createdTriggered when a new sellingPlanGroup is created.
sellingPlanGroup/updatedTriggered when an existing sellingPlanGroup is updated (A new frequency is updated, added or delete)
sellingPlanGroup/deletedTriggered when an existing sellingPlanGroup is deleted.
sellingPlanGroup/variantsChangedTriggered when the product variant mapping is updated on the sellingPlanGroup.


TopicsTrigger explanation
flow/completedTriggered when a flow is successfully completed